Monthly Archive: August 2010

Friday Feelings

keywords: life story, friday, rungimeme Sums up what I feel today, its going to be an eventful times; and I’m ready to rock. “Good work doesn’t go unnoticed forever” By the way, I’m going to play...

Wednesday Today: Over Limit!

Keywords: Life story, DiGi Broadband, Gaia Online, Ashton Vanglorious This morning I wonder why is my internet connection so slower than average; checked on my modems data transfer status, still have like 3 Gigabyte quota left...

Tuesday 101

keywords: Life story, Tuesday, haircut So what will I do this Tuesday? First settling my bills (a bit overdue now), find the precious book, buy some groceries and walk around the concrete jungle before actually going...

KM Story: Interesting shop names

Keywords: KM Story, interesting shop names I think I’ll just leave it here, enjoy the unique shop names I found in Kota Marudu so far. Maybe it is not so unique compared to the big city,...

The Hundred Life Stories

keywords: Rungitom Life, 100th post Well, for your information this post marks… It was November 2, 2009 when I first wrote my blog post on blogger; and a lot of things happened since then. I learned...

Bom chicka wah wah~

Keywords: axe effect, rungimeme, bom chicka wah wah, life story You got the Axe Effect? Well commercials about Axe deodorant body spray has been aired on our TV for quite some time now; I’m pretty sure...

Rungitom: Fresh new start

keywords: life story, rungitom, fresh new start, yeeeaaahhh!! Time: 11-something PM Doing: Writing a new blog post Listening to: The night silence, Keith Urban – Better Life and other music assortment. Mood: Extra relaxed! One thing...

Sad Corner 2: The Endless

keywords: sad corner, nothingness, alone, depression All the sudden, people around me silently made me feel depressed, a little bit of jealousy and a little bit angry. I think I want to wander off in the...

Talk about Independence Day

Keywords: thoughts, Independence Day This month is a special month for Malaysia, the month of Malaya’s Independence Browsing through Sabahan Blogger group site on Facebook, I read a discussion about Independence Day. Question: How do Malaysians...

KM Story: Pasisang attack!

keywords: km story, life story, pasisang O hai, we’re back on another episode of KM Story, in this post I will tell you about “Pasisang” or “Posisang” whichever suits your tongue. Pasisang is actually a stink...

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