Til death do us part

Til death do us part, a phrase commonly used in a marriage liturgy… Not that I plan to get married soon, but I stumbled upon this news today.

In North Eastern Thailand, a TV director named Chadil Deffy or Deff Yingyuen marries his now deceased longtime girlfriend, Sarinya (Anny) Kamsook on January 9, 2012 . He posted the message on his Facebook page, inviting his friends to an wedding-cum-funeral rite for his girlfriend.

According to sources, they have been together while studying at the Eastern Asia University ten years ago. They had planned to get married but Anny unexpectedly died in a car accident on the evening of January 3, 2012. Deffy, staying devoted to his love, continued with their wedding plan quickly, but it was postponed due to his busy schedules.

Deffy & Anny when before it all happens…

The bizarre wedding ceremony took place at Tri Vivek temple Moo 9 Baan Sadao Tambon Nabua , Amphur Muang, Surin province. During the ceremony, Deffy was seen in a black smart suit, while Anny in a white gown. Deffy inserted a ring on Anny’s finger, symbolizing the completion of the wedding ceremony. Later on, this was posted on the Facebook and YouTube and it spread like wildfire.

Relatives and friends of both lovers came to celebrate the wedding and also pay their last respect to Anny. It was reported that Deffy had been ordained as a novice monk to give merit to her for the last time.You can see his fanpage here, but its all in Thailand language. There are also a Youtube video for the event, but I don’t know which one is real exactly, try to find it by yourself. A song kept playing in my mind though…

This is the first bizzare event I’ve seen in 2012. Deffy devotion to their love is unquestionable, it was so long that they have been together, but then tragically ended… just like that. By being a novice monk, I think  Deffy is learning to accept it and move on with his life. For all of us here, appreciate the lives of those around you. Doesn’t matter if they are your friends, relatives or partner, one thing for sure, once they are gone… they will never come back.

True Story.

All this money can’t buy me a time machine,
It can’t replace you with a million rings,
I shoulda told you what you meant to me,
‘Cause now I pay the price…

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24 Responses

  1. Aki Borneo says:

    Terharu sa oh.. ini barulah.. sejati..

  2. Cindy says:

    wow! *speechless* Im gonna google bout this.

  3. Maxine says:

    Really sweet oh.

  4. nowriz says:

    adui.. sandihnya.. kalau dia bikin film psl kisah cinta tragis dia ni.. confirm sy mo tgk..

  5. beaty says:

    terharu tapi kan..bikin takut owh..but kesian bh kan ni couple ni..dei sedih juga ni

  6. chegu carol says:

    heart breaking story.

  7. liliejohn says:

    kin takut jgk owh tpi mimang sinta sejati.. mana mo cri lelaki cm ni? sy mo tapau 1 bawa balik rumah.. hehe

  8. Aemy says:

    strange goosebumps all around me when i saw the wedding picture, but this story is truly heart breaking. huuuhuuu…….. :((

    • Rungitom says:

      A very sad story indeed, I can accept if my lady were to be happy with another man, I mean if we broke up. But the death of someone you really love can really strike a blow in your heart.

      • Pone says:

        totally agree…by breaking up, still we get to know how is that one doing, no matter it may be bad or good news…With death, we can do nothing except trying to find some reasons to accept and move on, and its never easy…:'(…

  9. Aemy says:

    oh by the way, can i share this on my site later?

  10. Pone says:

    I do hate this so-called fate…I also lost my sweetheart last 2 months, and surely theres nothing could be more hurt than that pain, I swear to say that…Its not easy for us to find the right ones, then why and howcome losing them could happen too easily in such way?

    But, I believe there s a better world for them there, right beside us. They can enjoy their life there their way…and wait for us to reach them someday..And I do believe in an unbelievable dream that He and I ll be together again at the end of our road…So wishing the same for all people who unfortunately got the same situation…

    • Rungitom says:

      I’m sorry for your loss Pone, I admire your positivity and strong heart to go through those painful days. I hope your comment can inspire others who went through life experience like you had.

      Thank you for visiting my blog and thank you for your comment. 🙂

  11. Rungitom says:

    @Pone: I’m from Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. I speak mainly malay and english in everyday life, sometimes my tribal language, Dusun. 🙂

    • Pone says:

      This s quite new for me…:)…Thanks for providing me this new info…I ll spend 1 night transiting in KL next month…Do you live around there? I hope to have a guider to take me arnd the city…It might be better than keep sitting in the same place for the whole night…:)…

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