I am Tom

In commemoration for my renewal and the month of November. I decided to make a blog that will show the whole world my ideas, dreams and whacky imaginations. Lets just say I am just your average guy, who walks into..or barge into everyone’s life as I pass through.

Some people who just knew me might say my face is like someone else they knew, hah I wish I know them too, they may be my lost link lolz. I go by many names, but all have the same basic name, Tom. N Dey Say~ why rungitoms an your blog name? thats friggin’ lame yo. Hah! to hell I care, its a local fruit name “Rungitom”..thats where I got my nickname “Tom” and it stick to me up until now. Other people may say “yeah imma ordinary person too..hey look at ma tattoo, ma hair, ma ass, uu I love clubbin’ and Jack Daniels..bla bla bla..I look chio~ awww, praise me “..Kapeesh!! gimme a break! thats not ordinary to me.

I look ordinary, but what I see, what I do, what I think sometimes is out of this world of ours, and you may think I’m crazy like Pitbull said.. this does not extend to District 9 of course..if you catch my drift. So yeah..this is my introduction..see you in the next episode.

by the way, I like Tequila…the hell is wrong with uploading stuff to internet today..

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3 Responses

  1. Analog Girl says:

    yay! congrats tom for ur new blog!
    can't wait to read more from u!
    just don't be lazy to update

  2. Rungitoms says:

    Will do Nora, just keep tuning in to Kupo Channel ^_^

  1. October 24, 2013

    […] made my First Impact as a blogger back in 2009. Rungitom Life, thats was my blog original name. I learned the ways of […]

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