Hi Santa

Post #11: Hi Santa


Where am I, whoa!~ yu.. you’re Santa!!
   Yes I am, come and sit down on that chair while I get your list.
Wait a minute, I didn’t make any wish for Christmas.
 Oh yes you did.
Did not!
   Did to!
Owhh! okay! what is my wishlist anyway?
   Sit down first, you see its not really a wishlist, but it is like a wishlist.
*confused & sitting down*
   Do you still remember your blog post “First Decade“?
You read my blog?
 I love to read blogs from other people, I have to keep up with the latest trends you know.
Owww…kaay~ Awesome?
Back to the subject, do you still remember your blog post I mentioned earlier?
Umm, I have to log in to see what did I write, I actually forgot the content.
 No need for that here is the list, *handing over a piece of paper*
… Oh my… My 2010 new year resolutions…
 Now give me back that list.
What are you going to do with that list?
 I will read it one by one, and you will have to answer it… did you achieved it or not.
 I’m sure you know what I mean, are you ready? I will give you a reward if you answered it all.
Okay, I’ll do it!
   Good, so here goes;

1. Be a better blogger, not just some ramblings but awesome ramblings just like ija-faorinzha.

I have been blogging for more than one year now, gaining followers, get to know them and become their friends online. Even though I am not a very popular blogger, but I’m glad to have some blogger friends who love what I’m writing. I guess I did become a better blogger, even if it is just a small step forward.

2. Scrape the rust off my drawing and programming skills. I need them back.

I did some couple of drawings this year, but I still lack practice time. I will again put my rusty skill to myself as I do 2 mini projects before December 17. About programming, I just curved in into another angle. I’ve learned so many other things lately.

3. Be a better lover for my lady, I know I hurt her so much last year.

I failed…she left me for another guy. Took some time to recover my heartbreak; I’m glad that I have moved on and I hope the future lady of my life will be the last.

 You will son, just believe in yourself, and stop hurting yourself over and over.
Heh okay.
Now for the next one;

4. Money to savings, not wasting it… even dad told me to save money in my dreams (thanks dad).

I only saved a little, I have given so much to fund my family. I hope that 2011 will be a good financial year for me.

5. What is a gain that you want to lose? Weight gain…lol XD. I want to shed some pounds, getting chubby again is not what I had in mind this year.

I didn’t realize if I have put on more weight or not. Guess I didn’t care so much for it. I’m not that chubby but my beer belly is on the rise. umm, almost fail?

6. Reinforce my faith… I have seen too much on the dark side, time to balance it with light.

Ever since I joined the Sunday class, my faith is getting stronger and stronger with every new chapters taught. I always go to church to find my soul inspiration, and I’m glad that I have come back on the right track.

7. Take care of the family, I am the (sub)leader now.

This is my prime responsibility.

8. Venture into something that is profitable…the safe way, I don’t know how to do this but I could try.

I’m getting to it, and it takes time.

9. Have internets at home, its a nuisance to play internet while you work.

Oh yes I did get internets!!

10. Hoping that all of the above could be achieved in some way… wish me luck.

Although not all achieved, I’m glad I learned many things too this year.


 Well thank you for the honest answer, I’m sure next year will be awesome.
Hehe, yeah… so I answered it all, where is my reward?
Here it is, *handing yet another paper* read it aloud
Eh? okay…

“Don’t wait until everything is just right. It will never be
perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less
than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each
step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and
more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more

Hey… um, thanks for the advice. Really appreciate it. I mean yeah its not a gift but… thanks.
 You’re welcome, do you have any wish for Christmas?
Yes… I do… well not just only for Christmas.
     And what would that be?
I wish to be stronger and more successful in the future.
 Your wish may come true, but you must say “Its gonna be legendary!” and the door will be opened for you.
Really!! okay okay! here goes…

Its gonna be legen…
Whoops… I forgot that the door was under the chair you sit.


Don’t wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful. ~ Mark Victor Hansen

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