Scrambled thoughts of Rungitom

keywords: life story, work life, scrambled thoughts

I didn’t really realize how long I have been in Kota Marudu, feels like forever… No pictures, videos or any nicely pre-written text about my life here; what I write now is the scrambled thoughts of Rungitom.

Days feels like months and I don’t really have any real free time for myself. I brought only myself, my determination and other essentials here. Online time was reduced, work time expanded; even on Sundays and public holiday. Off day was given, but I have n o heart to use it because everytime I’m not working, potential picket money slips off eventually. I put all in the line to work smart and meet their expectation.

And my skin has tinted into a darker complextion because of this, hahaha; and I don’t bother to use my sunburn lotion.

Learned a lot of things here while brushing up my smooth talking skill(you heard it); I also studied about the broadband penetration in this region. DiGi and Celcom Broadband didn’t do well, while Maxis Broadband is still budding. 3G concentration here is low and unstable, you will only get GPRS or maybe EDGE connection on broadband if you are lucky.

Phone lines is a mixed reception, people who lived deep in the rural areas behind the hills love to use Celcom; some of them used DiGi and Maxis(Hotlink Youth Club to be exact). But I’m surprised to see the elders and adults over 25 years old using the Youth Club package. It’s going to be hard to “convert” them to use Postpaid rather than Prepaid.

Postpaid is better, cheaper call rates… but the “register” mentality of the peoples makes the fear of too much outstanding bills and too many hidden charges every month. Thats why the opt to use Prepaid than Postpaid.

My 2 cents, if we as the promoter inform the customer very well about the products, they will not fear and actually taking control of their call usage. Many cases of customers didn’t know the product well, been cheated raised before.

Out mission is no different, but we want also to make them understand the concept before delivering the products and services for them.

Kota Marudu…

reminds me of what Inanam town looks like before some 10 ~ 15 years ago; the place makes me feel that time pass by slowly. Main spot divided into a few places. I know only two places to date which is Goshen area and More Chance (or) Tamu area.

People from all places around Kota Marudu stop by to this small town, especially at the weekend Tamu. This is where I taste the sweetest ever Muskmelon(Tembikai Susu); taste better than that found in KK; and also special pisang goreng that was fried mixed with sesame seeds.

Restaurant is quite good, Rahaya restaurant serves good tasty food, many small food stalls serves appetizing food too. Night entertainment on the other hand is kinda low; only a few karaoke bars here, restaurant opens late for some people to enjoy some beers; that is all.

I hope for Kota Marudu flourish more in the future and I hope 3G network will cover this area; the you will see people make video calls, using BlackBerry and iPhone.

In the meantime, Rungitom keep on doing the best…






As times goes slow around you, you know you’re in Clock Up mode.

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2 Responses

  1. Santafire says:

    the elders using youth packages cause their kids get it for them. supposedly cheap coz at student rate and all.

    happens in matunggong too.

    hope you're keeping up well.

  2. Rungitom says:

    That is one case, I heard some of the even got it for free. I'm doing well here, thanks Sai-chan

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