5th KK Jazz Festival: Soiree of Jazz Fusion

Say… aren’t you finished with this story?

Nope, I still have to tell about the second night. Besides, there are never seen before photos I want to share with you guys.

After Lucky’s performance on the first night, I did took a chance to take a photo with him

I don’t quite remember the exact words that I said to Lucky after the photoshoot that night, but it kinda sound like this”

“You’re performance is great man!” I complimented him while shaking his hand.

“Ya? Thank you, thank you” He said.

Transition to the second night performance…

“Is it me or the crowd is kinda bigger than the first night?”

Well, I’m not bothered to count all of them, first up on the stage on the second night, SIA Little Jazz band.

You best don’t belittle this band, they are the winner of Sabah Jazz Talent Search 2011, earning them a sweet spot to perform on this year KK Jazz Fest. This band is formed by students and a lecturer from SIA (Sabah Institute of Art), now.. I don’t quite remember which one is the lecturer, anyone can point out for me?

They totally rocked the opening scene, I love the musics they were playing. How do the do it so brilliantly? They totally enjoyed playing their musical instrument, feeling it to the bone like this guy here.

After the great performance by SIA Little Jazz, I once again calmed down with the serenading voice of Gina, thats right, Elixir came back for the second night on the center stage. Her red dress made her more stunning, I can’t help it, red is my favourite colour. A close up photoshoot this time captures it all…

This is the night of Jazz Fusion,  and it all started with a spice called Spice of Tones.

This is the first time I saw gambus, a malay traditionl music instrument, played in a jazz music performance. Salute to the gambus player, Sidi Yusof as well as the two vocalists, Genie and Gabry (which I read, are sisters) who present themselves with their wonderful vocal to mesmerize the audience.

Hata Mariko was a special guest to perform on the center stage, accompanied by Yu Manabe on violin.

She contributed two songs, Mariko and Thank You Malaysia.

Finally, the sweet lady Z Yan, the beautiful Chinese Bossa Princess turn to perform on stage, oh how I waited for this!!

Her voice… damn sexy! WVC Trio + 1backs her up with the music, while she show her confidence and the sexy voice to me… and the audience. I was quite surprised when she sang a song in malay, her fluid pronunciation made my jaw dropped. Me and D5000 went crazy to get the best shot of her, and we did it. I personally pick this as the best in all the photos I took.

Juzzie is back! He showcase some thing different for the second night, the nonstop Harmonica Combo and a song popular in Australia.

Wuuu Heeee!!~ Hope you come back for the 6th KK Jazz Fest Juzzie.

The Benjamin Lackner Trio performed next on the main stage, their music is kinda deep and I talked to myself, “is this the core of jazz music?”. Of all the problems in the world, D5000 goes flat out because I forget to charge it earlier, to make matters worse, I forgot to bring the extra battery. Oh well, might as well enjoy the show…

And I did enjoy the show, thanks to ASEANA Percussion Unit

I can’t describe it with words about them, they are phenomenal!! Their spirit, their energy shared to the audience with their upbeat jazz fusion music. Everybody had fun, especially for the long finale. I want to be a part of the excitement, so I party along with the some of the audiences in from of the stage. Everything went wild and groovy, I go up to the stage as well to party with APU and the feeling was awesome!

With the final performance from APU, KK Jazz Fest is officially ended. SPArKS, The Rotary Club (not forgetting the sponsors) has done a great job this year to make the event a great success, I loved it, so do the audiences. Also thanks to Mega Boogie, the sound system they set up was top class, the lighting they set up also helps me to get the greatest shot I ever mede with a DSLR camera. To me, this is the most enjoyable event I have ever been into, I’m thankful enough to be a part of it.






What is jazz music? After five years, I still don’t think we can define jazz, simply because it’s a form that is constantly evolving and mutating ~ Roger Wang

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