Violet eyed beauty: Elizabeth Taylor

She will be missed by her loyal fans, families and friends, Elizabeth ‘Liz’ Taylor has passed away at the age of 79; the day was March 23. She was admitted to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles early two months ago for congestive heart failure.

According to her publicist, Liz was surrounded by her children Michael Wilding, Christopher Wilding, Liza Todd, and Maria Burton. The legendary Hollywood actress who made her acting debut in 1942, is survived by 10 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren.

As I looked up the news online, one thing clicks in my mind,

How did she looked like when she was young?

Then off I go searching in Google Image, surprisingly this particular photo caught my attention:


She’s known internationally for her beauty, but I didn’t knew that she was also special for those violet eyes she had, yes her eyes is purple! purple! purple!

Now, how could she get those eyes?, was this just another photo exaggeration made possible by the popular computer application called “Photoshop”? I looked into more photos of her,



And this photo is from Bazaar mag, November 1979


Turns out, violet eyes are rare but not uncommon. Just like hazel eye color (combination of brown and green colour), violet eyes are mixed with dark blue with a tint of red, but you see at the images above, her eye colour looks different. Thats because of the lighting and the angle of the photo had been taken caused the colourization of her eyes to look different.

Dang I wish I could have that same eye color like Liz, ahaha. Don’t you agree that you like those color too right? But the most dominant eye color on earth is none other than the color Brown, so the chances are slim to find people with that eye color. If… IF I found any ladies here in Borneo who had that special eye color (original, no contact lenses), I would like to take pictures with her, nice plan eh? 😛


So thats all for this post, May Liz rest in peace and God bless her soul. I’ll end this post with a quote from the legendary actress herself…






I’m not worried about dying. I consult with God, my maker. And I don’t have a lot of problems to work out. I’m pretty squared anyway. ~ Elizabeth ‘Liz’ Taylor

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5 Responses

  1. Amanda Christine Wong says:

    unreal! btw, Kate Bosworth has unique eyes too – one is brown, the other is green. but the brown is just a patch on the green. still awesome though. may Liz rest in peace.

  2. Rungitom says:

    Ah yes, Heterochromia eyes. Many celebrities has been said to have heterochromia eyes. 🙂

  3. Anonymous says:

    She had really blue /violet eyes( i spoke with persons who met her), but the photos above are photoshopped.

  4. Rungitom says:

    Hi Anon, do you happen to have her untouched pic? I would love to see her true eye color.

    Thank you for sharing your your comment in this post. 🙂

  1. April 2, 2015

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