Movement Control Order

Its already the Month of May 2020, Malaysia is already in 6 weeks of Movement Control Order. Things are very much in control, but today our Prime Minister announced of loosening up the MCO in order to jumpstart the slumping economy.

Malaysia would technically be “alive” again this May 4th with the Conditional MCO so to speak, I just hope everything will be smooth from there on. Proper hygiene SOP must be adhered to avoid the dangers of sporadic infection. For as long as the proper vaccine is not available, we are all susceptible to this virus.
For me so far in the MCO, the time was spent on work at home, other than that I just do hobby stuff to keep myself entertained.

Yeah making meme is one of them, also doing some artworks too. Though the latter is quite hard for me now, I’ll talk about it some other time.

Would like to write more, but this will do for now. I’ll share more stuff on my next post. Until next time, stay safe, stay at home.



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