Blog challenge stopped

Since December 24(about nightfall), I fell severely ill, with high fever and bad cough. I spend my Christmas on the bed, can’t do much, and I can’t sleep well at night due to the high fever. I hope the general clinic is open tomorrow, I need specific medication that will cure my illness once and for all.

I need to take more rest, so I stopped the 30 Day Blog Challenge today. Its been fun to do the challenge, but my current condition doesn’t allow me to. I hope for a speedy recovery, at least I can enjoy New Year celebration…

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7 Responses

  1. The Royal`s says:

    get well soon Tom!

  2. Twofivesix[256] says:

    Get well soon, buddy 🙂

  3. Aly89 says:

    I was also down with fever few days ago. I guess it's bcoz of the weather. Get well soon! 🙂

  4. Amanda Christine Wong says:

    hope u'll get better by then…

  5. Wyne @ Mouren Mauve says:

    Hopefully you are okay now…

    Take a good rest, Tom.

  6. Rungitom says:

    Thank you for the wish ladies, I pretty awesome and well today 😀

  1. May 1, 2012

    […] done this way back in December 2010, but I only managed to do it until Day/Post 24 due to high fever. My illness forced me to stop the challenge, didn’t enjoy Christmas and only fully recovered […]

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