
Before H-Artistry party, I’ve attended another event called ABSOLUT in collaboration with BORNEO INK on September 23, 2011. This is a special day where I got to meet fellow blogger from Sarawak, Cutebun a.k.a Sherrie, a blogger who loves to blog about her travels and a Lomography enthusiast.

She was the winner of BorneoColours.com mini bloggers contest, where she get a free 3 Days 2 Nights stay in Mabul Island, thanks to Scuba Junkie. Since we (BorneoColours) got the media invites to the event, I’ve decided to bring along Sherrie too, and luckily she’s around KK at that time too. She’s also got introduced to Charlotte as well on that day, so 3 bloggers and an ABSOLUT night, what could be more exciting? Read on…

So the event started off with a press conference with Eddie David of Borneo Ink and Kiki Loo, Brand Executive of Pernod Ricard Malaysia,

 Eddie David of Borneo Ink

Eddie David of Borneo Ink

Kiki Loo, Brand Executive of Pernod Ricard Malaysia

Kiki Loo, Brand Executive of Pernod Ricard Malaysia

ABSOLUT Vodka is having a promotion where every purchase of a bottle, you will be rewarded with a t-shirt which featured the Antu Gerasi motif on it. This offer is available at selected chill out places, BED, Cock & Bull, R&B, D Junction, Chocolate Factory, Blue 7 and Razz Ma Tazz. We’re lucky enough to get a the t-shirt as a complimentary gift from them.


After the press conference session, Eddie showcased his talent, and the model is the ABSOLUTly gorgeous Cheryl Lynn.



Then its photoshoot time, I seriously am not used to a Canon DSLR camera, fiddling the settings from time to time to suit my photo-shooting needs. I didn’t manage to use my usual loan DSLR unit, so I have to work out with Charlotte’s camera.

group_photo eddie_tom the_girls_with_eddie

Guess I have the Antu Gerasi talent too

Guess I have the Antu Gerasi talent too

We enjoyed watching the mini games and the music performed by the resident band, they are so energetic performing their songs bringing good vibes to the event. A lucky draw was held too, a few lucky car owner with the ABSOLUT Vodka car sticker will be chosen to win a bottle of ABSOLUT Vodka. And our newly found friend, Alfred got one, lucky lucky him yo!


The show goes on with models with airbrush body paint (Antu Gerasi motif) doing catwalk on stage, the airbrush artist had really done a great job, the works look magnificent. The other guys are drooling while I struggle to take a good shot,


Heating up at the deck is the white princess (she’s in all white, including her hair) DJ Eva T, with her awesome mix backed up with MC Vibe. The party intensified, and we are still enjoying our free flow Vodka mix.


And talking about airbrush again, we got ourselves an airbrush tattoo before we leave the place. Yes, Antu Gerasi is the motif and I showcase the tattoo with pride.


I would love to own a real tattoo, but feels something missing about it. Maybe I’ll achieve something big in life before attempting to make one. My late dad achieved a lot during his youth times, hence the many tattoos on his body, and someday I’ll get one, a meaningful one for me. Because this is something permanent and costly to remove, better make one that is meaningful… or just forget about it.

Here are some of the beautiful ladies pics I took from the event, and guys, don’t drool too much, ahaha~.


And the diamond of the night, Cheryl Lynn..


Meanwhile, you can view more pics of the event here in my blog’s Facebook page photo album, check it out and don’t forget to like my page as well.







ABSOLUTly Antu Gerasi AWESOMEness

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2 Responses

  1. cutebun says:

    Awesome! We had fun fun and fun!

  2. Rungitom says:

    Oh yes we did, looking forward for us bloggers to meet up again someday. đŸ™‚

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