What I get for 20 cents

There’s this one day when I asked my little sister to buy me a small snack, I gave her 20 cents and she brought me this,


To my surprise, the content is way lower that my expectation, I remember last time I used to buy this snack, the content are much more satisfying and live up to the value of 20 cents.


Nowadays, you see prices go up but the quality and the quantity decreases like crazy. This morning I overheard a conversation between two elderly man in a bus, this one elder man complained about how the prices go up that he could only buy little amount of groceries, compared to years back.






One man’s wage rise is another man’s price increase. ~ Wilson, Harold

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7 Responses

  1. Amanda Christine Wong says:

    i hate it when my keropok is only half the content :/

  2. HoneyBUZZin says:

    AHA! I happened to have the same kinda conversation topic with my colleague lately.
    Like the saying – One man's wage rise is another man's price increase! How trueth!

  3. kay masingan says:

    dulu gula-gula 10sen dapat 2 biji, tapi sekarang 20sen dapat 3 biji….

  4. ken says:

    20 cents… can send 2 SMSes only ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Rungitom says:

    @kay: mahal sudah ๐Ÿ™

    @Ken: Hi Ken, thanks fro dropping by. ๐Ÿ˜€
    and yeah, 2 sms and thats it ๐Ÿ˜›

  6. beaty says:

    haha tu harga masi sama but tu dlam dia kan hald lagi..tu bungkusan dia kan alalal punya kambang sekali kena buka..kampis barait pula

  7. Rungitom says:

    Ya bah Beaty, bikin panas ni kurupuk sekarang. :/

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