Going slow…

keywords: life story, going slow

Its July and its getting slow here in our PUR center; once busy with sales, roadshows and all. Our center has proven its worth when we all went pass our personal and center baseline target; subsequently becoming the #1 center in the whole Sabah(yeah we’ve beaten our neighbouring competitors).

Now its all goes down to basic customer service, bill payments and also some new registration. The lively center will be closing down in the middle of this month, I will miss my life here; but we must move on to new environment and challenges yet to come.
At first I tried to post this on my mobile, but something went wrong and it was never posted; oh well… so much for that. My KM Story is still running, I just need more time to compile it all before posting.






And what this other road leads to?

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2 Responses

  1. Meutia Halida Khairani says:

    kangen band from Indonesia..
    yeah, a great band..

  2. Rungitom says:

    Yes it is, hehe. Thanks for the comment Meutia ^_^

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