Coming up in The Rungitom

After a few blog posts I made previously, I’m beginning to get my blogging mojo back up to first gear. All I have to do now is to maintain it with lots of cool story to share with you fellow readers.

So here are a few things coming up in The Rungitom blog;

10 Day YOU Challenge!


I was tagged by fellow blogger Mrs.MyGamanBorneo for this challenge. This is quite an interesting challenge, I want to plan carefully for what I’m going to present as well as getting great contents. I hope to complete the challenge while giving you readers an enjoyable reading and share your thoughts about it in the comment box.

Just 10 days, shouldn’t be that hard right? hehe, we’ll see about that. I was doing pretty good in my 30 Day Blog Challenge, if it wasn’t because of my severe fever, I could finish it and pass with flying colors! 😀

Tweets from Japan


I was actually want to blog about this for my next post, but I forgot to save the important website link, so I have to find it back again. You will see the side of Japan, the one that you will never see in the mainstream news, or as commented by Datin Rosmah Mansor. Can you understand what she’s commenting about Japan? View the Youtube video below;

The Fansign


Do you know what a Fansign is? Months ago I requested a foreign celebrity to make a fansign for me, and she really did it! All of this was made for a cause and this celebrity is also a blogger herself, a really hawt blogger.

So which will start first? Maybe the first or the latter?, well all you have to do now is to stay updated with me. I will post my blog updates as usual on Twitter and Facebook.

Till then, see you in my next post. 😉





Blogging is best learned by blogging… and by reading other bloggers. ~ George Siemens

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3 Responses

  1. SparklingRainbowDust says:

    Didn't that 10 day challenge originate from tumblr? 😛 hahahaha.. i wanted to do it too!! like before uni started tapi sampai skarang blum.. bah i'm looking forward to ur 10 day challenge!!! 😀

  2. Mrs.MyGaman BorNeo says:

    Wow! best betul gambar 10 Day You Challenge ko buat. Gud luck kio ^_^

  3. Rungitom says:

    @Star: Ah yes, found out about that info in Google. So now here comes Rungitom's Blogger 10 Day You Challenge. 😀

    @Mrs. MyGaman: Thank you hehe, I'm still looking for ideas and contents for the challenge 🙂

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