Hot day, scorching hot day

Spending time at home during MCO also exposed me to the hot day, scorching hot day! The experience wasn’t just me alone, some of my friends also talked about the hot days as well.

My room only have an old regular stand fan turned on at maximum speed on daylight, but even with that on and my room windows and doors open, I still sweat buckets. The occasional rainfall to soothe the scorching heat, was a welcoming blessing, but it wasn’t for long.

The heat was enough to make my body and my palms sticky when I was busy playing mobile games. I would avoid taking a nap during daytime in my room, but if I take a nap at the living room, the feel is still the same!

I would probably not feeling the heat if the MCO haven’t existed and I’m working as usual at the office (Praise The Air Conditioner!!). Though I feel bad for my stand fan that is pushed to its limit since the start of MCO.

The frequency of my stand fan being maintained had increased, hoping it will last until I get another powerful fan. Its just 3 days before the end of MCO Phase 4, I hope there is genuine good new before the end of that phase.

But I also hope people don’t just carry on their life like before the pandemic happened, not until we are secured with a proper vaccine or ultimate way to eradicate the virus once and for all.




The thing with heat is, no matter how cold you are, no matter how much you need warmth, it always, eventually, becomes too much. ~ Victoria Aveyard, Glass Sword


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