Choices to make

keywords: life story, choices, change of work, decision making

crap… is that time again

crap… is that time again

Last Saturday I was offered by my friend to work as an IT technician; on his proposed new computer servicing company. The wage was only half of what I get from my current job, and its a very new company; business lot have not been confirmed yet.

He let me to think about it and wanted to know my decision today. I thought a lot about it; my current company have this financial problem that our wage are not fully paid; even our EPF has not been paid in months. Have to get another job that is secure enough for me, good enough to take care of my family; before all hell break loose.

But yesterday, I consulted with my uncle about this, my uncle is an IT specialist and have more experience than I am. He said that the job is not worth it, too much pain for so much work and its a very new company with no solid reputation; besides it will put a bad record in my resume and I really don’t want that to happen.

So I decided not to take the job based on several reasons:

  • Its still a very new company with no solid rep, I could go down jobless in just months if there are no good reception or response.
  • Wage was only half of what I get from my current job, too low for my condition now.
  • I’m still not confident yet to be a full fledged technician, since I’m more to programming than technician.
  • Why do you take the job if you don’t like it right? I turned down the offer, and find a better one. Sorry my friend… Its going to be a hard day; but I will make up to it, sooner or later.

and BAM! there’s a fork in the road.





Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life. ~ Confucius

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5 Responses

  1. HoneyBUZZin says:

    wise thinking…

  2. Rungitom says:

    Another chance will come soon, I just have too look for it.

  3. Santafire says:

    all the best.
    hope you get an open door soon^^

  4. Dewi Batrishya says:

    “Choose a job you love and
    you will never have to work a day in your life.”
    ~ Confucius
    Huhu.. Hopefully I will.. 🙂
    Hope that U'll find one too..

  5. Rungitom says:

    Yep, work hard and find the golden opprotunity. ^_^

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