A bit of reflection, well sort of…

Post #16: A bit of reflection, well sort of

Yet another simple post for today,


So what to reflect on? Well, I’m over halfway done for the 30 Day Blog Challenge. Its a big challenge for me to come up with a post and finish it at the end of each day. I always manage to finish it like 20 or 10 minutes(the late-est) before 12:00AM strikes.

Blog content wise, well maybe my previous blog post was kinda boring and typical; I’m still trying to improve my writing so next time, my blog post is even fun and interesting to read. But feel free to drop your comments, give a “like” or click one of the reaction buttons, I really appreciate your comments and responses.

What’s happening today bro?

Nothing much, its my off day today. After doing some family business, I just stayed at home and go online. The heat of the sun today caused my throat to go sore, I may catch fever or a bad cough soon.

Also, I’m currently looking for another new template base for my blog, I have this feeling that I need to renovate it once more. I was also thinking of a new name and new tagline for my blog, I want to change to one that suits to my blogging style and identity. I want the changes I made brings some kind of “value” to my blog.

I did mentioned before that I would complete 2 creative works before today, and yes… I didn’t. I scrapped up the portable rainbow project because it didn’t show the desirable effect, it went uglier than I have ever expected. Guess I’ll go and finish up the second mini project, let see what I can do over the weekend.

Speaking of weekend, Saturday will be my movie marathon day. I’m going to Suria Sabah (alone) to watch 2 movies back to back, that is…

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of The Dawn Treader

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of The Dawn Treader

And also,

Tron Legacy

Tron Legacy

After my experience watching movies in 3D before, I think I want to see both of the movies in a non 3D movie hall; cheaper and almost the same movie experience.

And that is all for today’s post, keep updated with me for the latest post. 😉


p/s: I almost forgot, I have many blog tag awards to be presented soon, thanks to fellow blogger Beaty for unintentionally reminding me. 😛






Blogging is best learned by blogging…and by reading other bloggers. ~ George Siemens

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2 Responses

  1. The Royal`s says:

    alone to the movie? hehe fun 😉

    my sister said watching in 3D hurt her eyes haha. and bagi paning saja hehe

  2. Rungitom says:

    Maybe I'll watch Narnia on normal cinema and Tron on 3D, hehe.

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